1. An Introduction into Behavior

Abre’s Behavior App allows schools and districts to replace the often misplaced paper referral forms with a digital and automated workflow. Teachers and administrators spend less time writing or reviewing referrals. All while ensuring each stakeholder has the ability to monitor a student’s behavior over time.

Behavior is critical to so many processes in education. Our customers frequently use the behavior app for MTSS, PBIS, and state reporting. It’s a versatile app that can do quite a bit. Importantly, we can use data collected by the behavior app to answer fundamental questions. 


An Overview of the Abre Behavior App from Abre.io on Vimeo.

Terms and Definitions Used in this Playbook

We’re intentionally using the term “Behavior” as that is what we’re monitoring. Behavior can be positive and negative.


This is the singular record of what happened. It includes both the behavior AND the response to the behavior.


The action observed.


The response (or responses) taken by the school


A “soft delete” of an incident. Behaviors are never technically deleted.


Student Information System


Education Management Information System. States have an EMIS for state reporting on education outcomes.

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