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  4. 1. An Introduction to the MTSS Playbook

1. An Introduction to the MTSS Playbook

MTSS stands for “Multi-Tiered System of Supports.” It’s a framework used by schools to promote student success. It’s a robust framework, backed by social science, and used by many schools and districts to support struggling students

MTSS looks at addressing two core elements of struggling students:

  • Behavior and;
  • Academic performance

MTSS isn’t a scripted framework. It doesn’t define a particular program; there is a range of popular programs under the MTSS umbrella. It does, however, have key components.


Key Components

Schools that use the MTSS framework have six key components.

  1. Screening. Screening tools that assess students in the areas of behavior and academic performance.
  2. Student plans. A committed plan to address identified struggles.
  3. Strategies. The use of evidence-based instructional strategies to help students. No gut feelings, if you will.
  4. Professional development for educators. Quality educator training is vital to MTSS implementation.
  5. Family involvement. Supportive family members are integral to the collaborative process.
  6. Monitoring. Monitor progress to know what is and isn’t working.

Two of the most popular programs within MTSS are  Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) and Response to Intervention (RTI). PBIS is a program for encouraging productive and positive behaviors from students. RTI is a program that systematically helps students grow in their academics. I should note that RTI frequently contains components that address behavior as well. It’s probably no surprise that behavior affects academic performance.

Pulling all these components together into a coherent process takes effort. Done wrong, this can result in loads of extra work and confusion for teachers, students, and parents. Done well, students grow, teachers focus on teaching, and parents feel part of the learning process.

A Note About Playbooks

This playbook is adaptable. We work with many customers. There are many commonalities between customers. But there are also customized components. You can customize the elements of this playbook to fit your need.

With that said, our playbooks are geared towards simplicity. Simplicity is a foundational value to us at Abre.

Our playbooks are also geared to take into consideration all stakeholders. This helps reinforce the simplicity.

Every Playbook Comes with a Project Plan

When you get an Abre Playbook, you also get a corresponding project plan. The project plan tracks who does what and what due dates exist. In help assure fidelity to the playbook.

Who are the Stakeholders with MTSS?

Students, of course, are the root stakeholder with MTSS.

Counselors and/or intervention specialists or an MTSS coordinator are usually the adults in charge of the process.

Classroom teachers are critical to providing supports and identifying needs.

Family members to help and be part of the decision-making process.

What Abre Apps are Used?

Required Apps:

  • The Students App for viewing data.
  • The Insights App for analyzing data.
  • The Plans App for both the framework and intervention plans.
  • The Forms App for gathering data (and creating plans).

Recommended Apps:

  • The Behavior App for tracking behavior.
  • The Learn App for autonomous student learning and for staff professional development.
  • The Curriculum App for academic interventions.


While not necessary, feel free to watch this recorded webinar on MTSS.

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