Family members need to enter a student access token to view their student’s profile and data in Abre. Student tokens are per student, so a family member with multiple students in the district must redeem multiple tokens – one token per student.
Tokens are multi-use. This means once a token is released, a guardian can share with multiple family members.
How to Generate Tokens
- From the Abre Menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen choose “Settings”
- From the available tabs choose “Authentication”
- Scroll down to the “Family and Token Management” section.
Token Options
Within Family and Token Management you have 3 options:
- Generate All Tokens – This will generate tokens for all students in the district. If you have previously generated tokens for your district, this option will re-set student tokens and disconnect the family members.
- Generate Tokens – This will generate new tokens for newly enrolled students in the district.
- Download Tokens – This will download all tokens for students in the district into a CSV file.
How to Share Tokens
The best way is to share a token is to generate a letter to family members and mailmerge the token information. We will cover that in the next milestone! That said, a token can also be viewed via the Student360. This is helpful when a secretary shares a token with family members.
Note the token field in the Profile Tab
Action Items
Generate tokens!