5. Create Family Tokens

Family members need to enter a student access token to view their student’s profile and data in Abre. Student tokens are per student, so a family member with multiple students in the district must redeem multiple tokens – one token per student.

Required Abre Permission

To generate student access tokens you will need to the “Abre Administrator” permission level.

Tokens are multi-use. This means once a token is released, a guardian can share with multiple family members.

How to Generate Tokens

  1. From the Abre Menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen choose “Settings”
  2. From the available tabs choose “Authentication”
  3. Scroll down to the “Family and Token Management” section.

Token Options

Within Family and Token Management you have 3 options:

  1. Generate All Tokens – This will generate tokens for all students in the district. If you have previously generated tokens for your district, this option will re-set student tokens and disconnect the family members.
  2. Generate Tokens – This will generate new tokens for newly enrolled students in the district.
  3. Download Tokens – This will download all tokens for students in the district into a CSV file.

How to Share Tokens

The best way is to share a token is to generate a letter to family members and mailmerge the token information. We will cover that in the next milestone! That said, a token can also be viewed via the Student360. This is helpful when a secretary shares a token with family members.

Note the token field in the Profile Tab

Action Items

Generate tokens!

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