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  4. 8. Launch and Sustain your Student Success (M7)

8. Launch and Sustain your Student Success (M7)

Milestone 8

It’s time to launch!

Questions to Consider

  1. When will you start collecting artifacts?
  2. How often do you want your students to submit artifacts?
  3. Are you going to have them submit during a specific time?
  4. How often do you want your staff advisors approving artifacts?

Once these answers are defined, you can begin!

District Examples

Example 1 (Simple Use)

A middle school decides they want students to submit an artifact at least once a month. They decide to spend one homeroom period a month with students submitting artifacts. Their homeroom teacher evaluates the artifact.

Example 2 (Robust Use)

A high school decides to have students submit a weekly artifact in all core classes. Core teachers evaluate student submissions.

Action Items

Determine how Student Success will be launched.

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